
AI is a hot topic and is concerned by young people – people who have the ability to take on new technology quickly in this day and age . This is the era of AI, we should have an understanding of AI to be able to grasp the trending of the world.



The arrival of AI has created a new step in human development history. AI crept into every aspect, every area of our daily lives. “AI is everywhere. They are in our phones, our cars, in our shopping, our dates, they also are in hospitals, banks and in the news. ”

Because of the change of this modern technology, Mr. Tuan also gave all of BEE TECH ASIA employees more specific insights such as what AI is, why we should learn AI.



In addition, Mr. Tuan also shared more about: AI in Big Tech Companies, AI in Google I / o 2017, Top 10 Hot AI Technologies, Q1 ’17.

Since then, BEE TECH ASIA members have understood the principle of using AI and its applications in life, analyze of what human intelligence really is, Moore’s Law’s principle, the evolution of intelligence, artificial intelligence’s development, the Purpose of AI, and what is needed for a computer to be smart?

Beside useful knowledge about AI, Mr. Tuan also explained some important terms such as: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language, Processing (NLP), Deep Learning (DL) …



– AI in the field of health care: AI contributes not only to improving the health of patients, but also reducing treatment costs. Companies are adopting Machine Learning to diagnose faster and better than humans. One of the best healthcare technologies is IBM Watson, which is able to understand natural languages and be able to respond to the questions asked. This system exploits patient data and other available data sources to create hypotheses. Then it will present a confidence point scheme.

– AI in business field: Process automation by Robot is applied to tasks that people perform repeatedly. Machine Learning algorithms are integrated on analytics and CRM platforms to discover information about how to better serve customers. Chatbots are integrated on websites to provide instant service to customers.

– AI in education: AI can automatically classify, helping educators save a considerable amount of time. AI can assess students and adapt to their needs. At the same time, AI can provide extra support for students to do tutoring jobs, ensuring that they can go in the right direction.



Artificial intelligence is gradually presenting its self in all aspects of human life. At the present, the explosion with many breakthroughs of AI is undeniable and AI will be one of the key issues of the future. Therefore, hopefully after a very useful sharing seminar from Mr. Tuan, BEE TECH ASIA members in particular and young people in general will understand the potential of AI in life and work, then use this technology effectively to develop oneself as well as contributes to economic growth.